York County, Pennsylvania Bibliography
  1. 100 Years at Warrington York County, Pennsylvania Quakers Marriages, Removals, Births & Deaths by Walmer, M B Original: 1989 My Latest: 1989 Pub: Heritage Books
  2. Abstracts of South Central Pennsylvania Newspapers: Vol 1 1785-1790 Vol 2 1791-1795 Vol 3 1796-1800 Wright, F E Original: My Latest: Pub: Family Lines Pub
  3. Abstract of York County, Wills 1749-1819 Wright, F W Original: 1995 My Latest: 1995 Pub: Family Line
  4. Abstract of the 1865 York County, Pennsylvania Assessors Military Roll with Surname Index
  5. 1987 So. Central PA Genealogical Soc.
  6. Altland's Meetinghouse Cemetery, Plot Map and Coded Listing of Information Given on Grave Markers and Tombstones Trimmer, R W 1980 South Centrol PA Genealogical
  7. Biographical History of York County, Pennsylvania Gibson, J 1886 Genealogical Publishing Co
  8. Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of the nineteenth Congressional District, PA Cumberland, York, Adams Counties Wiley, S T Original: 1897 My Latest: 1897 Pub: C A Ruoff Co
  9. Children of the Circuit Riders: The History of Asbury United Methodist Church, York, PA: 1781-1985 Sheets, G R 1985 Georg R Sheets
  10. Codorus Chronicles: The History and Genealogy of York Co, PA Vol 1 No 1 to Vol 6 No
  11. Soutwest PA G.A. started May 1983- Feb 1990 ended
  12. Conestoga Wagon: 1750-1850 Shumway, G Early American Industries
  13. Early Families of York County, PA Vol 1, vOL 2 Dull, K A Original: 1995 My Latest: 1995 Pub: Family Line
  14. Guide to Research in York & Adams Counties Pennsylvania Barnes, R Original: 1996 My Latest: 1996 Pub: Family Line
  15. History of Churches York County, PA in Chronological Order 1700-1799 Zarfoss, F W 1988 F. W. Zarfoss
  16. History of York County Pennsylvania: From the Earlest Period to the Present time... Gibson, J Original: 1886 My Latest: 1886 Pub: F A Battey Pub Co
  17. History of York County, from one thousand seven hundred and Nineteen to the Present RUPP, I D Original: 1845 My Latest: 1845 Pub: Gilbert Hills
  18. Index to the Probate Inventories of York County, Pennsylvani 1749-1850 Paup, D Original: 1992 My Latest: 1992 Pub: Family Lines Pub
  19. Index to York County, PA Wills 1749-1900 Closson Press Original: My Latest: Pub: Closson Press
  20. Manor of Springettsbury, York County, PA: Original Land Records Vol 6 Hively, N O Original: 1993 My Latest: 1993 Pub: Private Hively
  21. Marriages and Deaths from The York Recorder 1821-1830 Barnes, R Original: 1995 My Latest: 1995 Pub: Family Line Pub
  22. Marriages and Deaths from The York Recorder 1821-1830 Barnes, R Original: 1995 My Latest: 1995 Pub: Family Line
  23. Pennsylvania Herald & York General Advertiser Book 21794-1798 Bowman, D L Original: 1993 My Latest: 1993 Pub: Closson Press
  24. Records of St. Matthews Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover, Pennsylvania 1741-1831 Weiser, F S Original: 1994 My Latest: 1994 Pub: Picton Press
  25. Sadler's Lutheran Church 1789-1989 Orwig, E W Original: 1989 My Latest: 1989 Pub: Gateway Press
  26. Special Publication of South Central PA Genealogical Society Issue 1 to 53
  27. SCPGS, York, PA 1977 - 1993 (on going)
  28. Tax List of York County 1779: Reprinted From PA Archives Wright, F E Original: 1989 My Latest: 1989 Pub: Family Lines Pub
  29. York County in the American Revolution Heisey, J W 1971 Historical Society of York County
  30. York County Pennsylvania Deeds 1749-1763 3 vols Alguire, J L 1982 Alguire Abstracts, So. Holland, IL
  31. York County, Codorus Township, Index and Summary to Connected Draft Maps Hively, N O 1988 Neal Otto Hively
  32. York County, Manheim and Heidleberg Townships, Index and Summary to Connected Draft Maps Hively, N O 1989 Neal Otto Hively
  33. York County, North Codorus Township, Index and Summary to Connected Draft Maps Hively, N O 1991 Neal Otto Hively
  34. York County, Shrewsbury and Springfield Townships, Index and Summary to Connected Draft Maps Hively, N O 1992 Neal Otto Hively
  35. York County, West Manheim and Penn Townships, Index and Summary to Connected Draft Maps Hively, N O 1989 Neal Otto Hively
  36. York County, Pennsylvania Church Records of the 18th Century Vol 1, Vol 2, and Vol 3 Bates, M S Original: 1991 My Latest: 1991 Pub: Family Lines Pub
  37. York County Pioneers from Friedelsheim and Gonnheim in the Palatinate Burgert, A K Original: My Latest: Pub: -----
  38. Will Index: York County Pennsylvania 1749-1800 Iscrupe, S G 1990 Southwest PA Genealogical Services

Pennsylvania - Catholics

  1. Catholic Trails West, The Founding Catholic Families of Pennsylvania Vo 1, Vol 2 Adams, E Original: 1989 My Latest: 1989 Pub: GPC

Pennsylvania - Census

  1. 1790 Census for Pennsylvania: Heads of Families at the First Census of United Stakes Taken in the Year 1790 Original: 1908 My Latest: 1991 Pub: Government Printing Office

Pennsylvania - Church

  1. Pennsylvania German Church Records: From the Pennsylvania German Society Proceedings and Addresses, Vol 1, V2, V3 Yoder, D Original: 1983 My Latest: 1983 Pub: GPC

Pennsylvania - Colonial

  1. Index to Pennsylvania's Colonial Records Series Dunn, M Original: 1992 My Latest: 1996 Pub: GPC

Pennsylvania - Guides

  1. Pennsylvania Line: A Research Guide to PA Genealogy and LocalHistory SWPGS Original: 1990 My Latest: 1990 Pub: SWPGS

Pennsylvania - Emigrants

  1. Collection of Upward of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in PA 1727-1776 Rupp, I D Original: 1876 My Latest: 1985 Pub: GPC
  2. Emigrants to Pennsylvania. 1641-1819; A Consolidation of Ship Passenger Lists from the PA Magazine of History... Teepper, M Original: 1975 My Latest: 1992 Pub: GPC

Pennsylvania - Land

  1. Pennsylvania Land Records: A History and Guide for Research Munger, D B Original: 1991 My Latest: 1993 Pub: Scholarly Resources Inc

Pennsylvania - Marriage

  1. Early Lutheran Baptisms and Marriages in Southeastern Pennsylvania: Records of Rev John Casper Stoever 1730-1779 Bentley, E P Original: 1988 My Latest: 1988 Pub: GPC
  2. PA Marriages Prior to 1790: Names of Peersons for whom Marriage Licenses were issued in the Province of PA Linn & Egle Original: 1890 My Latest: 1994 Pub: GPC
  3. Pennsylvania German Marriages: Marriages and Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churches Irish, D R Original: 1982 My Latest: 1984 Pub: GPC
  4. Record of Pennsylvania Marriages: Prior to 1810, Vol 1 & 2 Original: 1987 My Latest: 1987 Pub: GPC

Pennsylvania - Military

  1. Pennsylvania Militia in 1777, The Roach, H B Original: 1964 My Latest: 1964 Pub: PA Genea. Magazine
  2. These Honored Dead: The Union Casualties at Gettysburg Busey, J W Original: 1988 My Latest: 1988 Pub: Longstreet House

Pennsylvania - Newspapers

  1. Genealogical Data from the Pennsylvania Chronicle 1767-1774 Scott, K Original: 1988 My Latest: 1988 Pub: National Genealogical Society

Pennsylvania - Oaths of Allegience

  1. Names of Persons Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania Between 1776 and 1794 [P.A. 2nd Series] Linn, B J & Egle, W H Original: 1890 My Latest: 1995 Pub: Family Line

Pennsylvania - Revloutionary War

  1. Pennsylvania-German in thee Revolutionary War 1773-1

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