-- Gettysburg Compiler June 06, 1864
THE DRAFT The Draft, to fill the quotas of delinquent sub-districts in this Congressional district, commenced at Chambersburg on Monday last. Franklin county was drawn on the day, Somerset on Thursday, Adams and Fulton on Friday, and Bedford on Saturday. We hope to be able to secure a list of the drafted men in this county before putting this number of the Compiler to press. We have at least made arrangements to that end.
Capt. Eyster gives notice that the Board will examine Drafted men at Chambersburg from the 6th to the 11th of June; at Gettysburg from the 13th to the 17th of June; at McConnelsburg from the 20th to the 22d of June; at Bedford from the 24th of June to the 8th of July; at Somerset from the 11th to the 18th of July.
Drafted men are notified to be careful to take with them their notice of Draft when they report for examination. The Board will go into session at 7 o'clock each morning. The men are requested to be there at that hour or as soon thereafter as possible.
Examinations at Gettysburg, McConnelsburg, Bedford and Somerset will be held at the Court Houses in those towns. Drafted men ordered to report at these points, and who fail to attend on their day, will lose the benefit of an examination near home, and be obliged to appear afterwards at Chambersburg. We may remark, by the way, that for the convenience and saving of time and money in having these examinations held in the respective counties, those interested should thank our efficient Member of Congress, Hon. A. H. Coffroth, who introduced the measure in Congress.
Gettysburg and Hamilton escape the Draft, having filled their quotas with volunteers.
LIST OF THE DRAFTED We have received from an obliging friend at Chambersburg the following list of persons in Adams county who were drafted on Friday last. It may be relied upon as correct.
Berwick Tp. Abraham Sipling, Daniel Laughman, Emanuel Fureman, Peter Grim, Israel Kladinst 5.
Berwick Bor. Michael Heltzel, Samuel Mayer, William Davis, Edward Stahl, Emanuel Sourbeer, Henry Grant, Wm. L. Gitt, Henry M. Hauer 8.
Butler Michael Hoffman, Isaac Myers, Jeremiah Wisler, Emanuel Wisler, Wm. Steinour, Gideon Myers, Jeremiah Roth, Jesse W. Griest, John A. Diehl 9.
Conowago Jacob Reagle, Henry V. Schwartz, Francis Krichten, Jacob Melhorn, Aloysius W. Hart, Conrad Louchman, John B. Martinly 7.
Cumberland Jacob E. Schriver, Wm. H. Duttera, Peter D. Swisher, John F. Hoffman, Ephraim Wisler, John Goodermuth 6.
Franklin William Cain, Noah Sheely, Augustus Fromier, Israel Myers, John Clark, Samuel Hart, Joseph Smith, John Sterner, Jonathan Wisler, Adam Henry 10.
Freedom Andrew L. Cretin, Isaac T. Heagy, Frederick G. Peffer, James W. Butt, H. P. Bigham, Joseph E. Lynn, Jos. Topper, Daniel Hartman, John Cunningham, Urbannus M. Appler, Isiah W. Orr, James Reilly, Joseph Keller, George W. Lott 14.
Germany Edmund Crouse, Theodore B. Klein, Edwin F. Colehouse, James H. Colehouse, William McDavis, Edward Long, Rufus Rohrbaugh, Henry Sellers, Oliver Staley, Ferdinand Rahter, John Eckert 11.
Hamiltoban Anthony Peters, Samuel D. Kugler, William Mallery (Col.), Wm. Sanders, A. O. Scott, Samuel Singley 6.
Huntington J. H. Gelwicks, Eli S. Myers, Jacob B. Chronister, B. W. Ziegler, Amos Little 5.
Latimore Wm. Fickel, Peter B. Cauffman, T. M. Brenneman, Obed Jacobs, John Yengst, Jacob R. Plank, Henry Burkholder, Alfred Lentz, Samuel Albert 9.
Liberty Reuben Shover, John F. Felix, Elias Kready, John A. Tressler, Jacob Eline, John Johnson (Col.), Peter Kready, Jacob Brough, Joseph Tresser, Jr., James W. Irvin, Robert M. Hill, Daniel Sanders 12.
Menallen John Devonshire (Col.), Clinton M. Swope, John B. Cline, Thaddeus Smith, C. Eppelman, Isaac Wank, Edward Howard, Jacob Crum, James Boyles, Amos Yeatts, Isaac Rice, Jesse Peters, Joseph Elden, John Fisher, George M. Cook, George W. Tipton, Henry Sowers, Samuel McCaslin, George Miller, John Warner, Lewis R. Taylor, Theodore Jones 22.
Mountjoy Samuel B. Miller, George McGuigan, John Clark, Solomon Miller, James Spaulding, Henry K. Sherman, Ambrose Kuhn, Andrew M. Chambers, George A. Sourbeer, John Pitzer, Henry Bucher, Tobias Eckenrode, Peter Gonder, Aaron Rhorbaugh, Joseph E. Kelley, Jacob Keefauver, James A. M. Smith, Newton M. Horner, John Kemper, David W. Horner, Ephraim Reaver, Uriah Tawney 22.
Mountpleasant Joseph Shultz, John Socks, David Link, Jeremiah Blair, Peter B. Little, Daniel Sheely, Hezekiah C. Hagerman, Jacob Hemler, Daniel S. Lynch, John Jenkins, Anthony Smith, William Creager, John Sheely, George Moore, Wm. Wagner, Peter G. Smith, J. E. Smith, Rufus Weaver, Henry Byers, Samuel Geiselman, John Dormody, William Stahl, John Byers, Peter Myer, Joseph A. Staley, Jacob A. Parr, Peter Group, Charles A. Hemler, Joseph L. Smith, John Goulden, Henry Leidich, Anthony Shultz, John Dougherty, Peter Reambaugh, Joseph Sheely 35.
Oxford Tp. Joseph W. Hendricks, John Shane, Jacob Peters, Israel Senft, John Stock, Edward Haverstock 6.
Reading Tp. Andrew Deardorff, Singleton Eicholtz, Jacob Libhart, Peter H. Heilman, Henry Hartman, Leander Ebersole, Daniel Marks, Jacob Gipe, Henry Spangler, (of Rudy), Hiram Davis, Jacob Picking, Daniel H. Myers 12.
Straban Tp. Benjamin Shetter, J. J. Galloway, Walter T. Hoffman, Jacob B. Miller, William F. Freeman, David Wolff, William H. Black, Philip Donohue, Daniel Thomas, Thomas A. Hagerman 10.
Tyrone Tp. Jacob Spangler (of R.), Andrew Hull, Jonas C. Mummart, George Walter, Thomas Earhart, Daniel Trimmer, William B. Nell, David Meals, George Mummert, Samuel Sheets, William West 11.
Union Tp. George Low, Edward Horwickle, Michael Schibert, Andrew Unger, Lewis Mause, Abraham Hostetter, William F. Keefer, William Unger, Jr., Samuel B. Conkling, William Willet, Augustus J. Mehring, David Little, Samuel N. Wolff 13.