© 2001 Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society, 2215 Millstream Rd., Lancaster, Pa., 17602-1499, Phone (717) 393-9745. Carolyn Wenger, Director; Lloyd Segar, Librarian. Our thanks to Harry Winand for arranging this.
EBY = Earliest Burial Year || LBY = Last Burial Year || MA = Mennonite
Amish || G=German || COB=Church of the Brethren || L=Lutheran
R=Reformed || PRES=Presbyterian || F=Friends || RC=Roman Catholic
E=Episcopal || M=Methodist || UM=United Methodist
Township |
Name |
Denom. |
List? |
Butler | Bender's | L/R | 1781 | 1913 | Y |
Butler | Elm Evangelical United Brethern | EUB | 1851 | 1961 | N |
Butler | Friends Grove Dunkard | COB | 1853 | 1883 | Y |
Butler | Friends Grove Quaker | F | 1769 | 1899 | Y |
Conewago | Keagy | . | 1826 | 1950 | N |
Cumberland | Black (Upper Marsh Creek) | PRES | 1746 | 1870 | N |
Cumberland | McClelland (Marsh Creek) | . | 1744 | 1852 | Y |
Cumberland | Reily Roman Catholic | RC | 1831 | 1900 | Y |
Cumberland | Trinity Reformed | now in R-G | 1796 | 1886 | Y |
Franklin | Arendtsville (Arendt Church) | L/R | 1744 | 1947 | Y |
Franklin | Bushey Mennonite (Old Flohr) | . | 1798 | 1895 | Y |
Franklin | Cashtown | . | 1856 | 1916 | N |
Franklin | Chamberlain Methodist | UM | 1855 | 1928 | Y |
Franklin | Flohr Mennonite | MC-LC | 1803 | 1917 | N |
Franklin | Mummasburg Mennonite | MC-YA | 1810 | 1950 | N |
Germany | Littlestown | . | 1861 | 1926 | N |
Germany | Mount Carmel | . | 1810 | 1950 | N |
Germany | St. Aloysius Roman Catholic | RC | 1789 | 1942 | N |
Germany | St. John Lutheran | L | 1779 | 1948 | Y |
Hamiltonbon | Boyd | . | 1827 | 1932 | N |
Hamitonbon | Fairfield | . | 1861 | 1946 | N |
Hamiltonbon | Fountain Dale Lutheran | L | 1821 | 1866 | N |
Hamiltonbon | Fountain Dale Union | . | 1880 | 1985 | N |
Hamiltonbon | Snyder | . | 1822 | 1871 | N |
Highland | Byer | . | 1796 | 1897 | N |
Highland | Lower Marsh Creek Presybterian | PRES | 1749 | 1884 | N |
Highland | Marsh Creek Brethren | COB | 1846 | 1925 | N |
Huntington | Christ Church Chapel | . | 1848 | 1903 | N |
Huntington | Christ Episcopal | E | 1748 | 1859 | N |
Huntington | Christ Episcopal (York Springs) | E | 1853 | 1865 | Y |
Huntington | Huntington Friends | F | 1762 | 1947 | N |
Huntington | Leer | . | 1757 | 1871 | N |
Huntington | Lerew | . | . | . | N |
Huntington | Robinette-Sanderson-Moorhead | . | . | . | N |
Huntington | Rock Methodist | M | 1827 | 1949 | Y |
Huntington | York Springs Lutheran | L | 1836 | 1924 | N |
Huntington | York Springs Presbyterian | PRES | 1840 | 1932 | N |
Latimore | Brethren Churchyard - This is the Dunkard (Brethren) Church - From Rt. 15 (travelling south), turn left onto County Line Road - At stop sign, turn right (Capitol Hill Road?) - Church & Cemetery is on left (abt. 1/8 mile) |
COB | 1826 | 1933 | Y |
Latimore | Lower Bermudian Lutheran - Located on Lake Meade Road. - From Rt. 194, turn at Red Mount Church onto Lake Meade Road - Probably about 1 to 2 miles back that road on left. |
L | 1817 | 1938 | N |
Latimore | Sunnyside - From Rt. 15, go to Rt. 94 (York Springs Exit) - Go north on Rt. 94 briefly and turn right onto Town Hill Road - Cemetery is about 1/8 mi back that road on the right (on a road called Sunnyside Drive?) |
. | 1770 | 1928 | N |
Liberty | Zimmerman | . | 1805 | 1920 | Y |
Menallen | Diehl | . | 1803 | 1885 | N |
Menallen | Menallen Friends (Flora D) | F | 1853 | 1960 | Y |
Mount Joy | Pine Bank | . | 1748 | 1884 | N |
Mount Joy | St. James Reformed | R-G | 1853 | 1943 | Y |
Mount Joy | St. Mark Reformed | R-G | 1779 | 1911 | N |
Mount Joy | Grace Lutheran | L | 1874 | 1955 | Y |
Mount Pleasant | Redland Friends | F | 1825 | 1927 | N |
Mount Pleasant | St. Luke Union | L/R | 1846 | 1947 | Y |
Oxford | New Oxford Catholic | RC | 1894 | 1978 | N |
Oxford | St. Paul Reformed | L/R | 1823 | 1925 | Y |
Reading | Hampton Church of the Brethren | COB | 1863 | 1968 | N |
Reading | Hampton Union | . | 1827 | 1957 | N |
Reading | Mummert | COB | 1777 | 1884 | N |
Straban | Conewago Low Dutch | R-D | 1800 | 1900 | N |
Straban | Great Conewago Presbyterian | PRES | 1745 | 1874 | N |
Straban | Pines Lutheran (St. Paul) | L | 1739 | 1937 | Y |
Straban | St. John Reformed | R-G | 1838 | 1877 | N |
Union | Christ Reformed | R-G | 1772 | 1925 | Y |
Union | Hostetter Mennonite (Bair Hostetter) | MA | 1815 | 1960 | N |